DiLGEM Works on New Projects With ProLog

DiLGEM Works on New Projects With ProLog

In the fall of 1994, the business information scientist Oliver Schmid and the clinical linguist and speech therapist Dr. Uwe Ender founded the publishing house ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel (lit. ProLog materials for therapy and learning) and together began to design, produce and distribute speech therapy materials. The first exercise videos for aphasics very quickly turned into laying and memo games as well as versions for working on the PC at that time. In addition to our continuous presence at congresses, we produced our first comprehensive catalog in 1998, which aimed to cover as many areas of speech therapy and logopedic needs as possible. Since then, such a catalog has been published year after year – and always in an improved and highly updated form. The associated webshop www.prolog-shop.de also presents this wide range of products online.

Since the year 2000 there is ProLog WISSEN as an organizer of advanced training/seminars for speech therapists in meanwhile 10 locations in the German-speaking countries. Since 2004, the ProLog WISSEN team has also been designing in-service and curricular structured continuing education courses. Finally, since 2015, ProLog WISSEN has expanded its continuing education program to include events for educational professionals in daycare centers and in open all-day care (ProLog Kita WISSEN). Here, a wide range of advanced training courses on relevant and current topics in the daycare and open all-day care sector is already offered.

Within the framework of our publishing house, we have – based on now more than 20 years of our own therapeutic experience and in cooperation with external authors – developed and introduced more than 600 products to the market. This has given a new face to the speech therapy scene, which was initially equipped with only a few specific materials. The close connection to the therapeutic everyday life and the needs of speech therapists is always given by our network of own practices and supporting institutes in the Cologne area. Thus, new concepts can be tested immediately in practice and adapted to the needs of the therapists.


In the field of language support, ProLog represents the “Language Route” language support concept in the German-speaking region and has flanked this very successful approach with its “Ich bin Max” products at the material level. Moreover, the effectiveness of the “Language Route” was positively evaluated at the University of Cologne and is currently being implemented by several German cities in their municipal Kindergardens.

Since 2010, the ProLog publishing house has been the parent company of LOGOS (formerly L.O.G.O.S. Interdisziplinär), a professional journal that has been successful for almost 30 years. LOGOS offers the latest news and interesting facts not only from the fields of speech and language therapy, but also from all related disciplines, thus continually opening up new perspectives, also on the publisher’s own therapeutic work.

Then, in 2014, the cooperation of ProLog and DILGEM Ltd. began, which distributes a wide selection from our portfolio in Turkey. In addition, in cooperation with DILGEM, we were able to translate one of our “classics”, the beautifully illustrated “LAUTer Hexerei” game, into Turkish. Since then, these and many other games and therapy materials applicable to the Turkish market can be found under the label “ProLog Türkiye” at www.dilgem.com.tr/tr/materyal.

Meanwhile the current work of ProLog extends over development, production and selling of diagnostic and therapeutic materials for the range LANGUAGE in the broadest sense, planning and execution of technically founded advanced training, the language therapy, the learning therapy, information and press work as well as the language promotion. This work is carried out by a total of about 35 therapists from the fields of speech therapy, speech therapy, (neuro-)linguistics, learning therapy, pedagogy, etc., who dedicate themselves with their specific competencies to the broad field of acquiring, maintaining and restoring linguistic abilities. We would like to continue to address this important social issue in the coming years and thus support the professional groups working in this field in their daily work.

For the Turkish market, we continue to rely on the successful cooperation with DILGEM Ltd. and hope to be able to continue to supply Turkish colleagues with therapeutically sound and beautifully designed material!


Dr. Uwe Ender

Neurolinguist / Clinical Linguist