Castrum I Intelligence Game

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How The Game Starts?

The Game starts by placing the Red Colored King to the Throne zone in the center of the game board, Red Soldiers surround the Red King and Blue Soldiers are placed to the middle of the game board's side section. (See picture below) Attackers (colored as Red) starts the game.

How to Play The Game?

The game board is the gridded as 13 x 13 squares with the throne zone at the center of the game board. Defenders (colored as Blue) are Soldiers trying to avoid the Red King to reach to one of the goal point at the corners of the game board. Purpose of Attackers (colored as Red) is to make the Red King to reach to one of the goal point at the corners of the game board.

All soldiers other than the Red King can move to desired position with maximum of three squares as long as the moving path is clear. The Red King has no limit of movement and can travel to the desired direction on the game board as long as the path is clear. None of the pieces including the Red King can move crosswise or jump on other pieces. Defenders (colored as Blue) cannot move to the goal points at the corners.

Arresting: It is done by taking the opposite colored soldier between two soldiers having the same color. Arrested soldier leaves the game. Please do not forget that there are many arresting possibilities. On the other hand, you can safely place your piece in between of two enemies without being arrested.

Capturing The Red King is somewhat different. Because four sides of the Red King must be completely enclosed by the Blue Soldiers. The Red King cannot help in arresting Blue Soldiers in any case.

What is The Purpose of The Game?

The purpose of the game is to make The Red King to reach to one of the goal point at the corners of the game board.


1 Game Board / 26 cm * 26 cm Beech Wood

1 Red King Pawn

12 Red Soldier Pawns

24 Blue Soldier Pawns